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Global Minimum Tax & Impact on Transfer Pricing
Over the past months, the Global Minimum Tax (GMT) under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Pillar Two tax framework has garnered substantial traction in the world of international taxation. With the substantial developments around the GMT, it remains important for multinational companies to be well aware and prepared for the implementation of GMT rules.

Around The World with Transfer Pricing
In this webinar we will discuss recent developments in international tax policy, and consider the impact for multinational companies to effectively manage their transfer pricing obligations. Get exclusive Q&A with our transfer pricing experts.

Country By Country (CbC) Reporting
Country By Country (CbC) Reporting incorporates revised standards for transfer pricing documentation and a common template for SGEs to report income.

International Dealings Schedule (IDS)
If your business is engaged in international dealings with related parties, and has more than $2 million of related-party dealings, you are required to complete an international dealings schedule (IDS).

Webinar Series: Tax Agent's pre-June 30 Guide to Transfer Pricing
Transfer Pricing is a complex tax area. With June 30 approaching we've put together a series of 3 webinars, including 2.75 CPD hours, to support tax agents and their clients with transfer pricing essential compliance,